Class of 1959

We, the Class of 1959, celebrated our 50th reunion on April 24 and 25, 2009. This blog is about sharing memories of our class reunions and a long-ago life at our Alma Mater, S.F.X.A. and S.A.H.S. Good memories of days gone by but not forgotten! A gift to my classmates. ~Marian Ann Love ~

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Flagler County Kiwanis Yearly Fund Raiser Event 2025

Kinawis is an international organization dedicated to assisting children around the world.
Our local club provides scholarships to Flagler County students and also sup[ports other charitable organizations that provide services to children, such as boys and girls club, Vincents Clubhouse for autism, and others.

We are only able to provide assistance because of friends like you who contribute and support us.

Our yearly fundraising event is the 50-50-50 event, which only requires a donation of $10 per ticket, and then provides you the opportunity to make $50 every time your tick matches the DOW closing numbers.  You can win multiple times.  Of course you may purchase as many tickets as you want.

Please let me know how many tickets you want and I will get the tickets to you.

Your support is appreciated.  A sample ticket is attached.

Robert Witty

Robert "Bob" Witty
Hammock Real Estate Group
Broker Associate

*Wire Fraud is Real*.  Before wiring any money, call the intended recipient at a number you know is valid to confirm the instructions. Additionally, please note that the sender does not have authority to bind a party to a real estate contract via written or verbal communication.


Tuesday, March 04, 2025

2025 Alumni Banquet

Please join us for our upcoming Annual Alumni Banquet on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at the former St. Francis Xavier Academy location, Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation in Historic Downtown Vicksburg! Honorary classes will include the Class of 1975 and the Class of 2025. We have a great event planned with a special guest. We hope to see you there!
Saturday, April 6, 2024
⚡️ 4pm Mass - St. Paul Catholic Church
⚡️ 5:30pm Social/6pm Alumni Banquet - Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation


As always, ALL ALUMNI are invited to our banquet! However, only the Honorary Class of 1975 will receive a form in the mail.
Please spread the word to your classmates and make plans to attend!
To register for the banquet, please visit:

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Ongoing Health Issues

We all have health issues at our age, and if you need prayers, please email me at so we can pray for you.  

Recently, I was in the hospital with (mild) congestive heart failure and will be seeing the heart Dr. tomorrow because my EKG and Echo showed an extra beat and could be AFib.  My pulse was running at 44 when I had to go into the hospital.  It could be a false reading, but I will find out tomorrow.  I'm also on a picc line for cellulitis in my foot/wound.  Been on antibiotics since January 14 for that and, hopefully, get off it soon.  

Update:  Back in the hospital for a heart cath on Feb. 25th.  Everything alright.  Wearing a heart monitor for two weeks will be over tomorrow, March 5th.  The wound is finally healing up on my left foot.  Thanks so much for all your prayers.  Marian

Please keep Theresa and Chuck Kitowski in your prayers for their ongoing health issues. 

Ina is still in Shady Lawn Nursing Home, and according to Rhonda, her daughter, she is not doing great.  She is staying in a wheelchair or bed and doesn't even try to walk anymore.  She is having memory loss and not knowing who her son is and other family members.   

Again, please email me at if you need prayers for your health, etc. May God Bless you!  


Monday, December 23, 2024

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Classmates

Let us celebrate the Miracle of Christ's Birth this Christmas and throughout the New Year. Merry Christmas to my Class of 1959! May God Bless you in the New Year! Marian

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Friday, November 29, 2024

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